Pendle Hill Early Learning Centre

148 Smith St, Pendle Hill NSW 2145, Australia, Sydney, NSW, 2145
Opening hours: 7:00am - 6:00pm and Operating: all year around Monday - Friday, except for public holidays
Licensed for N/A Children

Pendle Hill Early Learning Centre overview

Welcome to Pendle Hill Early Learning Centre

Pendle Hill Early Leanring Centre is a dedicated childcare and daycare centre for providing enriching environment for the development of the children. Our educators team support every child in both their learning outcomes and emotional well being and development. Our programs are created in a way to enhance your child’s growth during their ealry years. We provide playbased learning in our childcare centre.

Fees & Vacancies

How Pendle Hill Early Learning Centre compares with Sydney, 2145
Pendle Hill Early Learning Centre
NQS Rating


148 Smith St, Pendle Hill NSW 2145, Australia
Sydney, NSW, 2145
National Quality Standard Rating
Overall Provisional

Centre Reviews

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