Earth Angels Childcare Centre

16 Beecher Street, Tinonee, NSW, 2430
5.0 Average score
Licensed for 49 Children

Earth Angels Childcare Centre overview

Welcome to Earth Angels Childcare Centre
To provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere while maintaining a safe, healthy learning environment for children. To provide the physical, social, emotional and intellectual development for children based on individual development. To provide opportunities for children to develop positive feelings about themselves as individuals and in groups while encouraging them to develop self-help skills. To encourage positive and productive relationships with families through open communication and liaison with staff To encourage children to develop responsible and positive attitudes and values, including tolerance of individual differences and respect for authority. To treat each child as a special individual who feels loved and to foster his/her self-esteem

Fees & Vacancies


Earth Angels Childcare Centre Service features

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Earth Angels Childcare Centre service include:

How Earth Angels Childcare Centre compares with Tinonee, 2430
Earth Angels Childcare Centre
NQS Rating


16 Beecher Street
Tinonee, NSW, 2430
National Quality Standard Rating
Overall Meeting
Educational Program and Practice Meeting
Children's Health and Safety Meeting
Physical environment Meeting
Staffing Arrangements Meeting
Relationships with children Meeting
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities Meeting
Governance and leadership Meeting

Centre Reviews

5.0 (1 Review)
5.0 All sources (1)
Google (1)
Would recommend to a friend
Erin Welch
Nov, 2024