Evergreen Leaders Family Daycare

58 Norfolk Street, Dunsborough, WA, 6281
Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Licensed for N/A Children

Evergreen Leaders Family Daycare Centre overview

Welcome to Evergreen Leaders Family Daycare

At Evergreen Leaders Atelier, we believe the future is in the hands of our greatest assets - our children. We believe in allowing children the freedom to grow, learn and expand their creativity in an open, nurturing and safe environment. We adapt experiences to suit their current developmental milestones, by giving them the tools and opportunities to do so.

Our approach to early education will be a catalyst in helping our children develop their independence, self discovery and self identity. There is a leader amongst us all, and it is our job to help support, guide and help enrich the most important stages in your child’s life. We will celebrate their successes and encourage them to deliver positive outcomes even through times of defeat. We will be their safe place, and always inspire them to be themselves, no matter who that is.

Evergreen Leaders is a place where fun, laughter and exploration through play is encouraged and where learning is manifested through child led play, ongoing interests and creativity. We take a holistic approach to our learning experiences, and we believe the natural world is an important element to integrate into our teachings. Sustainability and care for our environments being a large focus in our teachings. This gives our children the understanding and respect for the world we live in.

We are a home, we are family, and we are here to help your little ones become confident and vibrant evergreen leaders in this world.

Fees & Vacancies

How Evergreen Leaders Family Daycare compares with Dunsborough, 6281
Evergreen Leaders Family Daycare
NQS Rating


58 Norfolk Street
Dunsborough, WA, 6281
Scheme's National Quality Standard Rating
Overall Meeting
Educational Program and Practice Meeting
Children's Health and Safety Meeting
Physical environment Meeting
Staffing Arrangements Meeting
Relationships with children Meeting
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities Meeting
Governance and leadership Meeting

Centre Reviews

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