Rajani's Family Day Care

Rajani's Family Day Care Centre overview
I am a Diploma qualified family Day care provider with over 18 years of experience in child care living in Upper Coomera..
Currently, I have vacancies as follows: Mon 1, Tue 2, Wed 2, Thu 1 & Fri 2. You can contact me on 0408 050 247 or (07) 5519 9063 to meet me and arrange a time to see my facility. My hourly rates are $8.50 ($7.35 + $1.15 by the scheme) My day care is approved for CCB & CCR. I provide services from 7 am to 6pm, Monday to Friday & occasional week end care (pre arranged). I can drop & pick kids from nearby schools only.
I moved to Queensland in Dec 2013 and started Day care in April 2014. I worked in Bendigo Regional FDC in Victoria for over 15 years and always had a waiting list. Some mums are still in contact with me. I live with my husband & daughter.
As an educator I want to provide flexible environments that encourage learning through a stimulating, interactive & interesting for children.
I believe that a child's sense of belonging is enhanced in a family based environment. I believe that every child has the right to feel safe, secure and included. I believe the children are curious confident and active learners.
We value and respect the uniqueness of all families cultures and beliefs and children. We embrace their diverse lifestyles. Also, I like children to make choices and direct their own learning wherever possible.
Activities & play (single & Group) in the FDC premises include Pluzzles, Blocks, Crafts, Pasting, Drawing, Colouring, Scissor cutting, Riding Tricycles and Cars, Reading Books, Kids music, Nursery rhymes, Singing, Easy ways of learning Alphabet & Numbers, Good manners, Counting, Writing name and play with varieties of toys, Dolls, Kitchen sets & Toy utencils, Dress ups, Sand Pit etc. Children learn through play.
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7 Cabriolet Court - Registered with Y Family Day CareUpper Coomera, QLD, 4209