Kids Klub Marsfield

St Anthony's Primary School - 129 Balaclava Road, Marsfield, NSW, 2122
Licensed for 50 Children

Kids Klub Marsfield Centre overview

Welcome to Kids Klub Marsfield

We are an Out Of School Hours (OOSH) Service providing care for school aged children (5-12 years) attending St Anthony's Primary School at Marsfield. We are located in the school hall. We provide Before School Care (7-8.30am) and After School Care (3-6.15pm) during school term, as well as Vacation Care (7am-6pm) during school holidays. We also operate 2 other OOSH services at St Therese's Catholic School, Denistone and Wahroonga Adventist School Wahroonga. 

Fees & Vacancies


Kids Klub Marsfield Service features

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Kids Klub Marsfield service include:

How Kids Klub Marsfield compares with Marsfield, 2122
Kids Klub Marsfield
Working towards
NQS Rating


St Anthony's Primary School - 129 Balaclava Road
Marsfield, NSW, 2122
National Quality Standard Rating
Overall Working towards
Educational Program and Practice Working towards
Children's Health and Safety Working towards
Physical environment Meeting
Staffing Arrangements Meeting
Relationships with children Meeting
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities Meeting
Governance and leadership Meeting

Centre Reviews

This service currently doesn't have any Reviews.