The Pre-K Project Family Daycare

Burke Street , Chifley , NSW, 2036
Monday and Tuesday: 7:30am-3:30pm, Tuesday: 7:30am-3:30pm
Licensed for N/A Children

The Pre-K Project Family Daycare Centre overview

Welcome to The Pre-K Project Family Daycare

Run by a passionate Early Childhood and Primary Teacher, Gabriella local mum of 3 from Chifley. Implementing a quality School Readiness Program guided by The Early Years Learning Framework and exposing preschoolers in her care to the NSW Kindergarten Mathematics and English Curriculums.

Gabriella is passionate about the early years. With her ample experience working in Sydney Schools since 2013, and having recently worked with diverse learners at a special school in Sydneys Inner West. She decided to take a shift in her career and bring together all her experience, wonder for learning and passion for education- at home. The Pre-K Project Family Daycare caters to ages 3 years- school age. With programs catered specifically for School Readiness Gabriella aims to prepare preschoolers for their giant leap ahead. Catering to specific needs of the child, and working closely with families to tailor programs to suit their growing emotional, social, and academic needs.

The Pre-K Project is nestled in the quiet Burke Street of Chifley. Children will have plenty of opportunity for intentional learning throughout their 7:30am-3:30pm Monday-Tuesday program. The program includes: breakfast, Literacy Studies, Morning Tea, Numeracy Studies, Indoor and Outdoor Play opportunities, language (Italian), excursions to local activities, and every child’s favourite, learning to care and play with the family’s Bichon Frise pet, Luna while at Pre-K!

The Pre-K Project will be registered with Waverley Family Daycare Scheme, and families will be able to claim CCS as usual. We look forward to organising a tour soon, to join the Pre-K Project Family.

Fees & Vacancies


The Pre-K Project Family Daycare Service features

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The Pre-K Project Family Daycare service include:

How The Pre-K Project Family Daycare compares with Chifley , 2036
The Pre-K Project Family Daycare
NQS Rating


Burke Street
Chifley , NSW, 2036
Scheme's National Quality Standard Rating
Overall Meeting
Educational Program and Practice Meeting
Children's Health and Safety Meeting
Physical environment Meeting
Staffing Arrangements Exceeding
Relationships with children Meeting
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities Meeting
Governance and leadership Meeting

Centre Reviews

This service currently doesn't have any Reviews.