Fees & Availability

- $105 N/A
No Vacancies Avg. price/day Approved places

Family Day Care

Info icon i inside a circle

6 wks to 5 yrs

This service doesn't have any vacancies right now. To add your child to the waitlist or enquire about vacancies you'll need to contact Romulus Family Day Care directly.
Fees Approved service for CCS
Price $10.50 /hour

5 yrs to 12 yrs

This service doesn't have any vacancies right now. To add your child to the waitlist or enquire about vacancies you'll need to contact Romulus Family Day Care directly.
Fees Approved service for CCS

Before School Care

Info icon i inside a circle

6 wks to 5 yrs

This service doesn't have any vacancies right now. To add your child to the waitlist or enquire about vacancies you'll need to contact Romulus Family Day Care directly.
Fees Approved service for CCS

5 yrs to 12 yrs

This service doesn't have any vacancies right now. To add your child to the waitlist or enquire about vacancies you'll need to contact Romulus Family Day Care directly.
Fees Approved service for CCS
Price $10.50 before school (1hr)

Vacation Care

Info icon i inside a circle

6 wks to 5 yrs

This service doesn't have any vacancies right now. To add your child to the waitlist or enquire about vacancies you'll need to contact Romulus Family Day Care directly.
Fees Approved service for CCS
Fees POA
Fee information is not available. Please contact the service directly for information.

5 yrs to 12 yrs

This service doesn't have any vacancies right now. To add your child to the waitlist or enquire about vacancies you'll need to contact Romulus Family Day Care directly.
Fees Approved service for CCS
Fees POA
Fee information is not available. Please contact the service directly for information.

After School Care

Info icon i inside a circle

6 wks to 5 yrs

This service doesn't have any vacancies right now. To add your child to the waitlist or enquire about vacancies you'll need to contact Romulus Family Day Care directly.
Fees Approved service for CCS

5 yrs to 12 yrs

This service doesn't have any vacancies right now. To add your child to the waitlist or enquire about vacancies you'll need to contact Romulus Family Day Care directly.
Fees Approved service for CCS
Price $10.50 after school

Services - what are the different

  • Family Day Care
  • Before School Care
  • Vacation Care
  • After School Care


  • Pink map marker icon Registered with Connections Family Day Care Coordination Unit Cloverdale, WA, 6105
  • Get directions icon Get Directions
  Map marker icon

Scheme's National Quality Standard Rating

What the National Quality Standard Ratings mean for families
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Overall Meeting
Educational Program and Practice Meeting
Children's Health and Safety Meeting
Physical environment Meeting
Staffing Arrangements Meeting
Relationships with children Meeting
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities Meeting
Governance and leadership Meeting
NQS rating last updated 19-Dec-2024. NQS rating applies to the service and not to the individual/educator.

Reviews for Romulus Family Day Care

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How Romulus Family Day Care compares with Cloverdale, 6105
stat rocket
This centre $105
Cloverdale $131
This centre
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Gray star Gray star Gray star Gray star Gray star 4.9/5
National quality standard
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This centre Meeting
Cloverdale Meeting
WA Cloverdale Romulus Family Day Care