9 Childcare services in Georgetown 4871, QLD

7 of the 9  Childcare services in Georgetown have vacancies. Your search results include the following suburbs: Almaden, Aloomba, Amber, Basilisk, Bellenden Ker, Blackbull, Bolwarra, Bombeeta, Boogan, Bramston Beach and 60 more.

The average cost for child care around Georgetown is $54.00/day. The average NQS Rating for Georgetown is Meeting National Quality Standard.

Julatten Community Centre, Brown Street, Julatten, Mt Molloy, Mary Farms, Mt Carbine
Lakeland State School, Corner Peninsula and Cooktown Development Road, Lakeland
Georgetown information
Number of Centres 9
Centres with Vacancies 7

Average Cost Per Day
Baby 0 to 2 years
Toddler 2 to 3 years
Kindergarten/Preschool 3 to 5 years

National Quality Standard (NQS)

Georgetown's average NQS Rating is Meeting National Quality Standard.
